Who can benefit from this...

Discover the truth about type 2 diabetes and uncover actionable steps to prevent the debilitating complications that many individuals encounter within five years of diagnosis...

See What Patients are Saying...

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Dr. West's Presentation Reveals Hidden Diabetic Information That Your Doctor Won't Tell You & Shows You TRIED And TRUE Scientifically Proven Methods How Thousands Of Type 2 Diabetics Have Defied The Odds And...

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Limited Spots Available

For The FREE Reverse Type 2
Diabetes Presentation

Bruce says...

 “After beginning Dr. West’s program, I went from weighing 290 pounds, being on three medications, and having A1C scores above 200 to losing 50 pounds already, reducing my medications by two, achieving normal blood sugar scores, and, most importantly, avoiding the possibility of amputation. My endocrinologist even remarked that if I hadn’t followed Dr. West’s program, I might have lost my foot. Dr. West’s program undeniably delivers results!”

In this free presentation, you'll have the opportunity to meet Dr. West, a specialist doctor in type 2 diabetes who focuses on reversing the condition and assisting patients with metabolic issues. He specializes in helping individuals retrain their bodies to regulate hormones and blood sugar effectively.


"There's no cookie-cutter approach to Type 2 Diabetes!"




Hi, I’m Dr. Brian West. I’ve been in clinical practice for over 20 years and help people overcome debilitating, complex medical issues including Type 2 Diabetes. I designed a clinical approach to metabolic and Type 2 Diabetes that helps them get back to their old self, decrease medications, and regulate their insulin levels through a clinical model that gets to the root cause of disease.  I take an exhaustive, personalized approach to understanding each patient’s problems and customize their treatment plans to address their unique needs.

The truth is, your body was designed to overcome illness and thrive, and I’ve worked with thousands of patients in the last two decades to create optimal health, eliminate the symptoms of chronic illness and reset the body. Now you can too! 

Life is meant to be lived with vitality, not weighed down by chronic fatigue, illness, and endless doctor's appointments just to manage symptoms.
Research has shown more medication actually worsens diabetes, So, what's next? Discover the crucial steps towards reclaiming your health and vitality.

Dr. West Works With Patients All Across The Country Via Telehealth & Virtual Consulations!



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